Sell with us

  • 1. Submit

    Send us detailed photos of the item you want to sell. Describe your item as accurately as possible. What does it come with? Do you have the original invoice, box, dust bag or authenticity card? Where and when did you purchase it?

  • 2. Proposal

    After we receive your email/message, we will review the information and send you an offer if we are interested.

    We do not accept fake items or items that do not match their description!

  • 3. Shipping

    You can send us your article after accepting our proposal, when it reaches us it will be analyzed in more depth, and you will receive a final offer.

  • 4. Payment

    Once we receive the item and everything is OK, it is placed for sale with us for a period of 1 month, in which case, if sold, payment is made within 24/48 hours after arrival at your new home.

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